Visitors were restricted from entering Kincaids Cave after the Grand Canyon National Park Act was finally signed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919
FBI Agents now guard Kincaids Cave and other Archaeological Sites in the Grand Canyon.
The Tunnel is presently on Cliff Wall 395 feet above the present flow of Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Archaelogist estamate the Man Made Cavern is around 3,000 years old.
The Man made Cavern is over Five Hundred feet long and has several cross Tunnels to large Chambers.
This was the lowest level and last Egyptian Tunnel City they built in the Grand Canyon.
Since the time that this Egyptian Tunnel City was made, Archaelogist estimate the Colorado River has eroded another 300 feet lower.
This is a Gold Artifact for the Egyptian King named
Khyan, Khian or
Khayan was found in the Egyptian Tunnel City in the Grand Canyon that was named Kincaids Cave.
The Egyptian Shrine is holding Egyptian Lotus Flowers in both Hands. Lotus Flowers originated as Native Flowers in Egypt.
The Egyptian Shrine was in the first cross Tunnel in the Tunnel which was in the exacatly the same location that the Shrines were in the Valley of the Kings Tunnel Cities were Egyptian Kings lived, before the Kings of Ancient Egypt begain to build Pyramids and above gound Cities in Egypt.
The Archaeological meaning of the power Beams raidiating to the Hieroglyphic symbols for the Ancient Kings Hieroglyphic Symbols
means Khyan, Khian or Khayan was a powerfull King in Egypt.
Khyan, Khian or Khayan was recorded as a Decendent of Zaphnath or (Joseph) that was the King of Egypt from 1610 to 1580 at Avaris Egypt where King Zatnnath ruled Egypt from also.
All Kings and Pharaoh's had different Egyptian Hieroglyphs for symbol identification.
Both the Symbol and name of Khyan is on the base of his Shrine.
The top symbol on the the Base of his Shrine in the left side top of his center Hieroglyph is the Hebrew Semitic Son of the Right Hand that meant first born Son.
Then in the Center of the Base is the Hieroglyphic symbol for Khyan with his power beams and he is holding the Staff of the Lord in one Hand.
There is no doubt about the identification for Khyan or that he was a decendent of King Zaphnath in Egypt who was ( Joseph ) in the Bible.
King Kyan sat on the Throne of his Ancester King Zaphnath at Aravis Egypt also.
This Artifact was from Kincaids Tunnel.
Even though the many large other smaller Images were found in the Tunnel in the Grand Canyon, this Artifact was a important discovery for Smithsonian Archaelogist.
It is a Artifact is for King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertli. Their Ancester's and Children's names are on the Artifact.
The Egyptian name of Zoroaster or (Joseph) is one of their Ancesters.
It is recorded that Akhenaten restored the Semitic Religion of Amon in Egypt at Saqqare Egypt.
Akhenaten was the recorded Ruler in Egypt from 1353 to 1336 BC.
His son Seteprene was also a Egyptian Ruler in the Grand Canyon and was recorded as a King at Saqqara Egypt also.
This Egyptian information means that Egyptian Kings came to the Grand Canyon at various times but also made return trips to Egypt.
These Gold Artifacts from Kincaid Tunnel are the only Artifacts on display in the Smithsonian Institute at Washington DC. from the Grand Canyon.
The back Two Artifacts are for Artifact King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertli.
This Artifact is from Kincaids Tunnel in thr Grand Canyon.
This Artifact found in the Egyptian Tunnel City in the Grand Canyou was identified as being a Artifact for King Aperanat who sat at Saqqara Egypt also.
In Egypt, King Aperanat was known as the powerfull King that Ruled Foreigners also.
This Copper Statue in Kincaids Tunnel in the Grand Canyon was identified as a Shrine for Anubis. It is impossable that he was ever in the Grand Canyon.
Anubis was a famous Egyptian Embalmer that beleived in a after life.
This Pyramid Temple was named the
Zoroaster Temple.
The original Seth Tanner Trail is still a popular Tourist Trail in the Grand Canyon.
The Egyptians Mined Copper, Silver, and Gold from the Grand Canyon. There are many Ruins of Egyptian Metal Smelters and Furnaces in the Grand Canyon.
These Metal Smelters and Furnaces are located on the Second Plataeu of the Grand Canyon and there are several Mining Tunnels and Egyptian Tunnel Cities in the Cliff Walls of Second level Grand Canyon Plataue.
Even though the Iris Temple in the Grand Canyon is now badly eroded, a few of of the Ancient Egypyian Hieroglophs can still be seen on the Cliff Walls of the Temple.
The Temple also has a obvious Entrance, but only a few feet into the Temple the Entrance is closed.
The National Park Service will not allow any excavations of the Pyramid Temples.
This small Gold Artifact was found in Kincaids Tunnel. This Artifact for Iris in currently on display in the Smithsonian Institute at Wagington DC.
[ The Egyptian Legend for Iris the Goddess of Power and Love]
She was the First Daughter of Gad, who was the first God of Earth in Egypt.
Her Heart was full of love. The Hearts of her Love are on the Base of this Image of her.
This Gold Artifact from Kincaids Tunnel is for Amaunet the Secret One. Another Artifact forAmaunet the the Secret One and Gad was found in Burroew Cave in Illinois.
[ The Egyptian Legend for Amaunet the the Secret One was the only Goddess of Egypt; Gad got her Pregnant and she jumped high and hid in the Heveans]
Amaunet laid a big Egg that shined like Gold. This was the first Sun light in Egypt. The Egg was big because there was a Twin Boy and Girl in it.
Then Amaunet saw that she had Wings and flew from the Heavens to Egypt and then everybody in Egypt knew who Amaunet was and Amaunet was no longer Amaunet the Secret One.
The Hopi Indians told Grand Canyon Park Rangers that this was the Tower of Ra.
Only a few eroded Egyptian Hieroglyphs can still be seen on the Tower of
The Egyptians Built some large Entertainment Centers in the Grand Canyon.
The Buildings had Wood Roofs that are no longer on the Buildings.
These Entertainment Centers had large Feilds for Foot Races and Games and had Shower Rooms and Homes for the Different Athelete Teams.
The centers also had large Theaters for Musical Concets and Kitchens to prepare Meals for the Egyptian Kings, Atheletes, and Musicians.
The Tunnel Complex that Mr. G. E. Kinkaid found was a Burial Chamber
The Mummies were placed in the Burial Chamber Walls on large Stone Blocks.
The Egyptians begain coming to the Grand Canyon according to the Carbon Dating of the Mummies Bones.
The Carbon Date for the oldest Mummie was around 1600 BC.
Prime Minister Nubar Pasha of Egypt was first Prime Minister of Egypt and served his first Term from January 1884 to June 1888.
Prime Minister Nubar Pasha of Egypt contact the US Department of State and requested that all of the Egyptian Artifacts found in the Grand Canyon to be returned to Egypt.
He also requested that no more Information about Egyptians ever being in the Grand Canyon be Published by the Smithsonian Institution
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