Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sarbananda Sonowal: A CM of Assam. State

Sarbananda Sonowal began his political career in the All Assam Students Union, and was its president between 1992 and 1999. Mr. Sonowal joined the Asom Gana Parishad, the political avatar of the AASU, in 2001 and was elected MLA in the same year.
He entered the Lok Sabha for the first time in 2004 after defeating former Union Minister Paban Singh Ghatowar in Dibrugarh. After having differences with the AGP leadership he joined the BJP in 2011. Following his exit from AGP, many party workers followed him to join BJP. He was appointed president of the Assam unit of the BJP in 2012.
Mr. Sonowal is credited with successfully challenging the Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act, which was stuck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional in 2005.
Mr. Sonowal was the Assam BJP chief till his return to the Lok Sabha in the 2014 polls. He was made a Minister of State in the Narendra Modi government. He was appointed Assam unit chief again in 2015, a year ahead of the State polls.
After BJP lost in Bihar Assembly Election, the Narendra Modi government in January 2016, appointed him as the Chief Ministerial candidate, in a departure from the party tradition. This was a carefully strategised move by the party to go local in state.
Born: October 31, 1962
Education: LL.B., B.C.J. from Dibrugarh University and Gauhati University
Political career:
1992-1999: AASU president
2001: Joins AGP
2001: MLA from Moran
2004: MP from Dibrugarh
2011: Joins BJP
2012-2014: Appointed BJP Assam unit chief
2014: MP from Lakhimpur, Union Minister in Narendra Modi government
2016: BJP Chief Ministerial candidate

Today day in history.... 1754 Lieutenant Colonel George Washington begins the Seven Years’ War

On this day in 1754, a 22-year-old lieutenant colonel of the Virginia militia named George Washington successfully defeats a party of French and Indian scouts in southwest Pennsylvania as Virginia attempts to lay claim to the territory for its own settlers. The action snowballed into a world war and began the military career of the first American commander in chief.
The Ohio Valley had long been a contested territory among French Canadians, various Indian groups and the British colonies of Pennsylvania and Virginia. When the French began to establish fortifications along the river and refused Virginia’s written demand that they depart, Virginia’s governor, Robert Dinwiddie, dispatched Washington to complete and defend a Virginian fort at the forks of the Ohio.
Upon their arrival, Washington discovered that a scouting party led by the French ensign, Joseph Coulon de Jumonville was nearby. Fearing that Jumonville was planning an attack, Washington struck first, successfully ambushing the small party. In one of history’s murkier moments, Jumonville was murdered by Washington’s Indian ally, Tanaghrisson, while the monolingual Washington struggled to interrogate the French-speaking Canadian.
Jumonville’s murder in captivity incited a strong French response, and Washington was unable to defend his makeshift “Fort Necessity” from French forces led by Jumonville’s half-brother. Washington surrendered on July 4 and signed a French confession to Jumonville’s assassination, which he could not read.
Benjamin Franklin had drafted his Albany Plan for Union earlier that month, in the hope that united colonies could better orchestrate their own defense and governance. Colonists voted down the proposal everywhere it was presented. After Washington displayed his incompetence on the Ohio, the British decided it was time to save their colonies from themselves and dispatched two regiments of Redcoats under General Edward Braddock to America. Braddock too suffered a humiliating defeat at the forks of the Ohio; it took the British and their colonists seven years of world war to redeem themselves. The Seven Years’ War would go on to strip the French of their American empire and test the bonds of the British empire in America.

Veer Savarkar: 9 things you should know about the ‘Hindutva’ leader on his birthday!

Vinayak Savarkar, is popularly known as ‘Veer Savarkar’ and ‘Svatantryaveer Savarkar’ by all the patriots pre-independence and after that. Savarkar was a brave freedom fighter and social reformer. Savarkar was a person who is jack of all, as he was also a poet, philosopher, playwright, and a well-admired political leader. On his birthday today we bring to you some little-known facts about the aggressive freedom fighter.
1. Veer Savarkar was born on 28th May, 1883 in a village, Bhagur (Nashik) Maharashtra; he had 3 other siblings namely Ganesh, Narayan and Maina (sister).
2. The creation of the term, Hindutva, goes to Veer Savarkar. He emphasised its distinctiveness from Hinduism; which he associated with political communalism.
3. Veer Savarkar was the first poet in the world who was deprived of pen and paper in a jail. He improvised and used thorns and nails to compose his writings on prison walls.
4. Veer Savarkar practised ‘dining of all Hindus together’ irrelevant of the castes in 1930. He was the first revolutionary-cum-politician who within 10 years eradicated the evil practises of untouchability in Ratnagiri, where he was interned.
5. Veer Savarkar pioneered the ‘Shuddhi’movement. The movement was against the Muslims who were forcing their religion on Hindus using prison authorities. The movement was to re-convert those people back to Hindu dharma.
6. Veer Savarkar’s works: “Kamala”, “Mazi Janmathep” (My Life Sentence) were inMarathi language. The famous book “1857- First War of Independence” had so much rattled the Britishers that they put a ban on it, confiscating all copies within the six months of its release.
7. According to Veer Savarkar, the Hindu society was bound by seven bandis(prohibitions); viz. (sparshabandi)- prohibition of touch of certain castes,(rotibandi) prohibition of inter-dining with certain castes, (betibandi)-prohibition of inter-caste marriages, (vyavasayabandi)-prohibition of pursuing certain occupations, (sindhubandi)- prohibition of seafaring, (vedoktabandi)- prohibition of rites sanctioned by the Vedas,(shuddhibandi)- prohibition of reconversion  to the Hindu fold.
8. On 1 February 1966, Veer Savarkar refused taking medicines, food and water. He termed this as atmaarpan (fast until death). He justified this act with an article titled atmahatya nahi atmaarpan in which he wrote that, when one’s life mission is over and ability to serve the society is left no more, it is better to end the life at will rather than waiting for death. He succumbed to his atmaarpan”and died on 26 February 1966 at the age of 83. 2,000 RSS workers gave his funeral procession a guard of honour.
9. In 1970, Indira Gandhi’s government issued a postal stamp in honour of Veer Savarkar. Also, the airport at Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar’s capital, has been named as ‘Veer Savarkar International Airport’.
History has not been kind to Savarkar, as his name was soiled with Mahatma Gandhi’s murder. Known for his famous escape from a ship and swimming across the ocean only to be captured again, he became a cause celebre in France. Veer Sarvarkar is one of those freedom fighters who couldn’t claim much credit of their deeds because of the false propaganda against them.

Friday, May 27, 2016

ગરમીથી બચવા માટેના ટિપ્સ

મૌસમનો મિજાજ બદલાઇ રહ્યો છે અને હવે ધીમે-ધીમે ગરમી પોતાની અસર દેખાડવા લાગી છે. બદલાતી ઋતુમાં પોતાની જાતને ફિટ જાળવી રાખવા માટે જીવનશૈલીમાં પણ ફેરફાર કરવા પડે છે. તમારા રૂટિનમાં ફેરફારની શરૂઆત અત્યારથી જ કરવાની જરૂર છે જેથી આવનારા ત્રણ મહિના તમે સંપૂર્ણપણે સ્વસ્થ રહી શકો.
આ માટે આટલું કરો...-આંખોની સુરક્ષા માટે ચશ્માનો ઉપયોગ કરો.-જ્યુસ, મિલ્ક શેક જેવા એનર્જી ડ્રિંકનો રૂટિનમાં સમાવેશ કરો.-વધારેમાંથી ઓછા અને ઓછામાંથી વધારે તાપમાનમાં જતાં પહેલા થોડો બ્રેક લો.-પૂરતી માત્રામાં પાણી પીતા રહો.-પહેરવેશમાં સામાન્ય રંગોના કપડાનો ઉપયોગ કરો.-સવારે જલ્દી જાગો અને નિયમિત સામાન્ય વ્યાયામ તો અચૂક કરો.આ બાબતોનું ખાસ ધ્યાન રાખો...-સવારના નાસ્તામાં જ્યુસ અને ગ્રીન વેજિટેબલ્સમાંથી બનેલી ડિશથી દિવસની શરૂઆથ કરો.-ઘરમાંથી બહાર નીકળતા પહેલા વધુ માત્રામાં પાણી પીઓ.-લન્ચ બપોરે 11:30-થી 12:30ની વચ્ચે લેવાનું રાખો. લન્ચમાં ગ્રીન સલાડ અને દહીં સામેલ કરો.-સાંજે થોડા ડ્રાયફ્રુટ્સ, ફ્રૂટ ચાટ કે મિલ્ક શેક લો, આનાથી બોડીને એનર્જી મળશે.-ચા-કોફીનો ઉપયોગ સવારે જ કરો બાકી દિવસ દરમિયાન જ્યુસને ચા-કોફીના વિકલ્પમાં અપનાવો.-ઉંઘવાના ઓછામાં ઓછા 2 કલાક પહેલા રાતનું ભોજન લઇ લેવું. તેમાં વધારે મસાલેદાર ફૂડનો ઉપયોગ કરવાનું ટાળો.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

जब नरेन्द्र मोदी और शंकर सिंह वाघेला साथ साथ ।

थोडा समय निकालकर अवश्य पढ़े...
1990 की घटना..
आसाम से दो सहेलियाँ रेल्वे
में भर्ती हेतु गुजरात रवाना हुवे. रस्ते में
 एक स्टेशनपर गाडी बदलकर आगे का सफ़र उन्हें तय करना था ।
जिस प्रकार से ठहराया उसी प्रकार से सफ़र शुरू हुआ लेकिन पहली गाड़ी में कुछ लड़को ने उनसे छेड़-छाड़ की इस वजह से अगली गाड़ी में तो कम से कम सफ़र सुखद हो यह आशा मन में रखकर भगवान से प्रार्थना करते हुए दोनों सहेलियाँ स्टेशन पर उतार गयी और भागते हुए रिझरवेशन चार्ट तक वे पहुची और चार्ट देखने लगी.
चार्ट देख दोनों परेशान और भयभीत हो गयी क्यों की उनका रिजर्वेशन कन्फर्म नहीं हो पाया.

मायूस और न चाहते उन्होंने नज़दीक खड़े TC से गाड़ी में जगह देने के लिए विनती की
  TC ने भी गाड़ी आनेपर कोशिश करने का आश्वासन दिया....
एक दूसरे को शाश्वती देते दोनों गाड़ी का इंतज़ार करने लगी
आख़िरकार गाड़ी आ ही गयी और दोनों जैसे तैसे कर गाड़ी में एक जगह बैठ गए...
अब सामने देखा तो क्या!
सामने दो नौजवान युवक बैठे थे.
पिछले सफ़र में हुई बदसलूकी कैसे भूल जाती लेकिन अब वहा बैठने के अलावा कोई चारा भी नहीं था क्यों की उस डिब्बे में कोई और जगह ख़ाली भी नहीं थी।

गाडी निकल चुकी थी और दोनों की निगाहें  TC को ढूंढ रही थी शायद कोई दूसरी जगह मिल जाये......
कुछ समय बाद  गर्दी को काटते हुए TC वहा पहुँच गया और कहने लगा कही जगह नहीं और इस सिट का भी रिजर्वेशन अगले स्टेशन से हो चूका है कृपया आप अगले स्टेशन पर दूसरी जगह देख लीजिये.यह सुनते ही दोनों के पैरो तले जैसे जमीन ही खिसक गयी क्यों की रात का सफ़र जो था.

गाड़ी तेज़ी से आगे बढ़ने लगी  . जस जशी राञ
 जैसे जैसे अगला स्टेशन पास आने लगा दोनों परेशान होने लगी लेकिन सामने बैठे नौजवान युवक उनके परेशानी के साथ भय की अवस्था बड़े बारीकी से देख रहे थे जैसे अगला स्टेशन आया दोनो नौजवान उठ खड़े हो गए और चल दिये....
अब दोनों लड़कियो ने उनकी जगह पकड़ ली और गाड़ी निकल पड़ी कुछ क्षणों बाद वो नौजवान वापस आये और कुछ कहे बिना निचे सो गए ।

दोनों सहेलियाँ यह देख अचम्भित हो गयी और डर भी रही थी जिस प्रकार सुबह के सफ़र में हुआ उसे याद कर खुद की समेटे सहमते सो गयी....

सुबह चाय वाले की आवाज़ सुन नींद खुली दोनों ने उन नौजवानों को धन्यवाद कहा तो उनमे से एक नौजवान ने कहा " बेहेनजी गुजरात में कुछ मदत लगी तो जरुर बताना " ...

अब दोनों सहेलियों का उनके बारे में मत बदल चूका था खुद को बिना रोके एक लड़की ने अपनी बुक निकाली और उनसे अपना नाम और संपर्क लिखने को कहा...
दोनों ने अपना नाम और पता बुक में लिखा और "हमारा स्टेशन आ गया है"ऐसा कह उतर गए और गर्दी में कही गुम हो गए !

दोनों सहेलियों ने उस बुक में लिखे नाम पढ़े वो नाम थे नरेंद्र मोदी और शंकरसिंग
... यह अनुभव आया वह लेखिका फ़िलहाल General
 Manager of the centre for railway
 information system Indian railway
 New Delhi में कार्यरत है और यह लेख The Hindu इस अंग्रेजी पेपर में पेज नं 1 पर
"A train journey and two names to remember "इस  नाम से दिनांक 1 जुन 2014
 को प्रकाशित हुआ है... !

Monday, May 23, 2016

World’s first Android phone

Phones have come a long way since Innocenzo Manzetti played around with the idea of a “speaking telegraph” in 1844. Development of the landline telephone came in leaps and bounds but it is the mobile phone that truly captured a global audience.
The first mobile phones were produced by Bell System for use in cars only, introduced in 1946 on their Mobile Telephone Service in St. Louis, Missouri. The first call on a handheld mobile phone was made on April, 3 1973 by Motorola’s Martin Cooper to his rival, Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs. Nicknamed “the brick” the first mobile phones weighed 2 lb (0,9kg) and cost $3,995. 
As with most inventions, it takes a while (and a lot of teething problems) before a product reaches an acceptable cost factor for both the producer and the consumer. Early mobile networks were patchy and phones were expensive, bulky and less than attractive.
When the 1G network launched in 1983, the phones were still too big for comfort and suffered from short battery life. By the time 2G was introduced, in 1991, the phones were better and the first smartphones were introduced. But it was only after 2001, when 3G cellular technology was launched, that the mobile phone market really took off. Networks were faster and phones were smaller and more affordable. The entry-level Nokia 1100, launched in 2003, was snapped up 1 million times a week to eventually become the world’s most popular cell phone with over 200 million units sold. By 2011, Apple had sold more than 100 million iPhone smartphones.
Introducing Android – a smart move
Android, Inc. was founded in October 2003 by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White. Google bought it in 2005 and the Linux-based Android operating system was unveiled in 2007. The rest – as theGoogle history itself – is a remarkable piece of history. People loved Android.
By 2012, Android enjoyed 1.5 million activations per day. . There are almost a billion Android apps available. Some 25 billion apps have been downloaded from the Android app site, Google Play.
World’s first Android phone
HTC DreamBy 2013, mobile phones have replaced watches and cameras as the primary time tellers and for taking photographs and videos.
Many users have more than one phone or mobile device, resulting in more than 6 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide, almost half of these being smartphone subscriptions. Android is found on 75% of those smartphones in use.
But do you remember first phone to run on Android?
The world’s first Android phone was theHTC Dream – it came to the market in October 2008 as the T-Mobile G1 in the USA and, when signing a two-year service agreement, sold for $179.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Images of wreckage released in EgyptAir probe

Egypt's military on Saturday displayed wreckage and personal belongings as searchers scoured the Mediterranean Sea for EgyptAir Flight 804's flight data and cockpit voice recorders.
The chunks of debris included an uninflated life vest, a seat, a purse, shoes, carpet, a scarf, parts of chairs and cushions and a sling bag. The EgyptAir label appeared on one piece of wreckage.
Search crews have recovered wreckage from EgyptAir Flight 804.
"The search is ongoing. It has uncovered initial pieces of the aircraft, body parts, belongings of the deceased, and it will continue hopefully until we can ascertain exactly where the plane has gone down," Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told CNN's Becky Anderson.
Shoukry said the searchers are pressing on, but it isn't clear how long it will take to recover the cockpit voice and flight data recorders -- the so-called black boxes -- to find out what happened.
The United States, France, Britain, Russia and others are eager to cooperate in the search, Shoukry said, adding he anticipates assistance in finding the recorders.
"We do not, I think, have the technical abilities to operate in such deep waters, whereas many of our partners might have this facility," he said.
The debris includes passengers' belongings from the plane.
On Friday, EgyptAir and Greek officials said that searchers found seats, personal belongings, and a body part. The Egyptian military said it discovered debris about 290 kilometers (180 miles) north of Alexandria, Egypt.
No survivors have been found. Egyptian officials have said they suspect the crash was caused by an act of terror, but no group has come forward to claim credit.
French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault told passengers' families Saturday that "no theory" has been ruled out.
The Airbus A320 carried 56 passengers and 10 crew members and security when it left Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris late Wednesday headed for Cairo.
Most of the passengers were Egyptian -- 30 in all.
Also aboard were 15 French citizens, including an infant, and passengers from Iraq, Britain, Belgium, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Chad, Portugal, Canada and Algeria, according to Sharif Fathi, Egypt's civil aviation minister.

Automatic messages about smoke

In France, aviation officials revealed that the plane sent automatic messages about smoke in the front of the aircraft just before it crashed early Thursday.
France's revelation confirmed flight data that CNN obtained from an Egyptian source a day earlier.
That flight data indicated smoke alerts occurred near the cockpit minutes before the crash.
The data came through the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, or ACARS, which sends messages between planes and ground facilities. A screen grab of data has time stamps that match the approximate time the aircraft went missing.
Flight data show smoke alerts on the plane minutes before the crash early Thursday.
BEA, France's accident investigation agency, "can confirm that the aircraft sent automatic ACARS messages about smoke in the front of the aircraft," spokesman Sebastian Barthe said.
Barthe said he cannot confirm the cause of the smoke or its origins.
The alerts don't necessarily mean a fire occurred on the plane or that the crew even knew about the alerts, which are automatically transmitted, aviation experts cautioned.

Friday, May 20, 2016

CDMA vs GSM vs LTE, What is the difference?

CDMA vs GSM vs LTE, What is the difference?
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is a "spread spectrum" for cellular networks enabling many more wireless users to share airwaves than alternative technologies.

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is a wireless technology to describe protocols for cellular networks used by mobile phones with over 80% market share globally.

LTE (Long Term Evolution) is a wireless broadband technology for communication of high speed data for mobile phones.

The main difference between the technologies is that both CDMA & GSM can support cellular and data, whereas LTE can only support data.

So what does this mean? It means that if the phone does not have CDMA/GSM technology then the cellular (voice) services would NOT work, only data.

Prior to the entrance of LTE Technology, it was very easy to determine a CDMA phone from a GSM phone. The GSM phone featured a SIM Card Slot, the CDMA phone did not. Now it is quite more complicated with the LTE Technology, both CDMA & GSM adopted this spectrum in which functions with the use of a SIM Card. Therefore, a CDMA/LTE Verizon Wireless phone now has a SIM Card but does not work on GSM Networks such as AT&T.

There is two main reasons why CDMA/LTE and GSM/LTE are currently NOT compatible;

1) Phone (voice) runs on the 2G & 3G spectrum. CDMA and GSM run on different 2G/3G frequencies, thus voice is not compatible between the two.

2) LTE (Data) the common denominator, runs on the 4G spectrum. CDMA currently runs on Class 13 and GSM Class 17 LTE, thus data is not compatible between the two.

What LTE phones can be unlocked for GSM usage? In order for an LTE device to be able to be unlocked, it must have GSM technology so cellular and data will function.

In the below LTE phone examples, the AT&T Atrix HD can be unlocked because it has GSM capabilities, but the Sprint Evo and Verizon Thunderbolt can not as it only has CDMA technology.

AT&T Motorola Atrix HD (MB886) - (2G) GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 - (3G) HSDPA 850 / 1700 / 1900 / 2100 - (4G) LTE 700 MHz Class 17 / 2100

Sprint HTC Evo 4G - (2G) CDMA 800 / 1900 - (3G) CDMA2000 1xEV-DO - (4G) LTE 800 / 1900

Verizon HTC Thunderbolt - (2G) CDMA 850 / 1900 - (3G) CDMA2000 1xEV-DO - (4G) LTE 700 MHz Class 13

To complicate things a little more, the below example supports CDMA/GSM/LTE. If this phone were unlocked, it would only run GSM on the 2G spectrum without 4G LTE. (Verizon uses a separate 4G spectrum than other GSM networks.)

Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4 - (2G) GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 (2G) CDMA 850 / 1900 - (3G) CDMA2000 1xEV-DO - (4G) LTE 700 MHz Class 13

Thursday, May 19, 2016

What to Know About the Presidential Race Today UPDATED MAY 18, 2016

Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton in the Oregon primary on Tuesday while she declared victory in Kentucky, though The Associated Press had not declared a winner there in an extremely tight vote by midnight.
On the trail: Mr. Sanders is in California, the only candidate with a public event on the schedule.
There are growing fears of lasting fissures in the Democratic Party as Mr. Sanders rebuffed mounting pressure on Tuesday to rein in his supporters after they disrupted a weekend Democratic convention in Nevada.
Donald J. Trump said on Tuesday that he would be opento meeting with Kim Jong-un of North Korea.
Critics are accusing Mr. Trumpof failing to act presidential. The Times Magazine takes a look at whether anyone can meet this vague and changing standard.
Megyn Kelly's interview with Mr. Trump aired on Tuesday, a back and forth that was far more tame than their previous exchanges.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

US sees first successful penis transplant: 6 things to know about the procedure

Thomas Manning

America saw its first successful penile transplant at Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital last week.
A team of over 50 surgeons operated on 64-year-old Thomas Manning, who lost his penis to cancer in 2012, in a 15-hour-long groundbreaking surgery.
Manning has received a cadaver organ; the deceased organ donor's identity has not been released.
Doctors are "cautiously optimistic"that Manning will eventually be capable of normal urination and sexual function. However, he will not be able to have children as he has not received new testes.
They added that his psychological state will play "a big role in his recovery". So far, Manning's body has shown no signs of rejecting the new organ.
In a statement, Manning said, "Today I begin a new chapter filled with personal hope and hope for others who have suffered genital injuries. In sharing this success with all of you, it is my hope we can usher in a bright future for this type of transplantation."
While penile transplantation is not new to the world, it is a highly experimental surgery and has not been widely performed. Here are a few things to know about penile transplantation:

1. World's first penile transplantation

In September 2006, the world's first penile transplantation was performed on a 44-year-old man, who had lost his penis in an accident, at a military hospital inChina's Guangzhou.
However, despite the surgery being a success, the patient had the procedure reversed within 15 daysdue to psychology trauma inflicted by the transplant on him and his wife.

2. World's first 'successful' penile transplantation

The world's first successful penile transplantation was pulled off at Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, in December 2014.
The nine-hour-long surgery was performed on a 21-year-old man who lost his penis to a botched circumcision at the age of 18. In June 2015, doctors announced that the recipient had successfully conceived a child.

3. Laboratory-grown penises for transplantation

In 2008, Dr Anthony Atala of Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine in North Carolina attempted bio-engineered penile transplantation, fitting 12 rabbits with lab-grown organs.
These rabbits went on to procreate, establishing Atala's test, which he had been working on since 1992, as a success. However, this procedure has not be carried out on humans yet.

4. Transplantation for war veterans

A team of doctors at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore is set to perform a penis transplant in a wounded veteran soon.
Dr WP Andrew Lee, chairman of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Johns Hopkins, believes this new field is important for "people who want to feel whole again after the loss of important body parts."

5. Difference between penile transplant and sex-change surgery

In case of transgender surgery, penis can be fashioned from the patient's own skin, using implants or phalloplasty, for erection, etc.
A transplantation, on the other hand, consists of surgically fitting a donor organ to the recipient's body and comes with the delicate process of connecting tiny blood vessels and nerves to the functional, transplant penis.

6. Finding a suitable donor

Since this procedure still depends of cadaver organ, there is aperpetual challenge of finding a donor for the transplant.
"People are still reluctant to donate," Dr Andre van der Merwe of the University of Stellenbosch told AP. "There are huge psychological issues about donating your relative's penis."

मोदी सरकर के दो साल का रिपोर्ट कार्ड

*मोदी सरकर के  दो साल का रिपोर्ट कार्ड खुद पढ़िए लोगो को भी पढ़ाइये*

दो साल में अनेको योजनाओं की शुरुआत की गयी है जिनका लाभ सीधा भारत की जनता को मिल रहा है।

*1-प्रधानमंत्री जन धन योजना*
*2-प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना**
*3-प्रधानमंत्री सुकन्या समृद्धि योजना*
*4-प्रधानमंत्री मुद्रा योजना*
*5-प्रधानमंत्री जीवन ज्योति बीमा योजना*
*6-प्रधानमंत्री सुरक्षा बीमा योजना*
*7-अटल पेंशन योजना*
*8-सांसद आदर्श ग्राम योजना*
*9-प्रधानमंत्री फसल बीमा योजना*
*10-प्रधानमंत्री ग्राम सिंचाई योजना*
*11-प्रधानमंत्री गरीब कल्याण योजनाये*
*12-प्रधानमंत्री जन औषधि योजना*
*13-मेक इन इंडिया*
*14-स्वच्छ भारत अभियान*
*15-किसान विकास पत्र*
*16-सॉइल हेल्थ कार्ड स्कीम*
*17-डिजिटल इंडिया*
*18-स्किल इंडिया*
*18-बेटी बचाओ, बेटी पढ़ाओ योजना*
*20-मिशन इन्द्रधनुष*
*21-दीन दयाल उपाध्याय ग्राम ज्योति योजना*
*22-दीन दयाल उपाध्याय* *ग्रामीण 23-कौशल्या योजना*
*24-पंडित दीनदयाल उपाध्याय श्रमेव जयते योजना*
*25-अटल इनोवेशन मिशन फंड
* 26-अर्बन ट्रांसफॉर्मेशन (अमृत योजना)*
*27-स्वदेश दर्शन योजना*
*28-पिल्ग्रिमेज रेजुवेनशन एंड स्पिरिचुअल ऑग्मेंटशन ड्राइव (प्रसाद योजना)*
*29-नेशनल हेरिटेज सिटी डेवलपमेंट एंड ऑग्मेंटशन योजना (ह्रदय योजना)*
*30-उड़ान स्कीम*
*31-नेशनल बाल स्वछता मिशन*
*32-वन रैंक वन पेंशन (OROP) स्कीम*
*33-स्मार्ट सिटी मिशन*
*34-गोल्ड मोनेटाईजेशन स्कीम*
*35-स्टार्टअप इंडिया, स्टन्डप इंडिया*
*37-इंटीग्रेटेड पावर डेवलपमेंट स्कीम*
*38-श्यामा प्रसाद मुखेर्जी* *रुर्बन मिशन*
*सागरमाला प्रोजेक्ट*
*39-‘प्रकाश पथ’ – ‘वे टू लाइट’*
*40-उज्वल डिस्कॉम असुरन्स योजना*
*विकल्प स्कीम*
*41-नेशनल स्पोर्ट्स टैलेंट सर्च स्कीम*
*42-राष्ट्रीय गोकुल मिशन*
*43-पहल – डायरेक्ट बेनिफिट्स ट्रांसफर फॉर LPG (DBTL) कंस्यूमर्स स्कीम*
*44-नेशनल इंस्टीटूशन फॉर ट्रांसफॉर्मिंग इंडिया (नीति आयोग)*
*45-प्रधानमंत्री खनिज क्षेत्र कल्याण योजना*
*46-नमामि गंगे प्रोजेक्ट*
*47-सेतु भारतं प्रोजेक्ट*
*48-रियल एस्टेट बिल*
*49-आधार बिल*
*50-क्लीन माय कोच*
*51-राष्ट्रीय ग्राम स्वराज अभियान – Proposed*
*52-प्रधानमंत्री उज्ज्वला योजना*

★ 1भी घोटाला मोदी सरकार के किसी मंत्री ने किया नही है। और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है की 2 साल में पारदर्शी एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन दिया।

★ ना पैसा लिया ना लेने दिया जो चरितार्थ करता है की, "ना खाऊंगा ना खाने दूंगा।"

★ कई ऐसे घोटाले जो की UPA के समय में बाहर नही आये थे वो अब बाहर आ रहे है।

★ CBI, IB, NIA को स्वायत्त रूप से काम करने की छुट दी गई है।

★ प्रमाणिक और विद्वान रक्षा मंत्री पाकर भारतीय आर्मी का मोरल सबसे ऊपर है।

★युवा और महिलाओ की क्षमता को पहचाना और देश के विकास में उनकी सहभागीता बढ़ाने का अभिनव प्रयास किया।

★ भारतीय योग को विश्व में पहचान दिलाई और आयुष मंत्रालय द्वारा हमारे प्राचीन औषधीय वनस्पति शास्त्र को नई वैश्विक पहचान दी।

●●●●फरवर्ड कीजिये दोस्तों और एक सच्चे भारतीय का हौसला बढ़ाये।

Sunday, May 15, 2016

खांडवी - माइक्रोवेव में - Microwave Khandvi Recipe

बच्चों और बड़ों दोनों को पसन्द पाने वाली गुजराती खान्डवी को माइक्रोवेव में और भी आसानी ने बनाया जा सकता है क्योंकि माइक्रोवेव में न तो खान्डवी के घोल को चलाते रहना पड़ता और इसमें गुठले पड़ने का डर रहता है.
आवश्यक सामग्री - Ingredients for instant microwave khandvi
  • बेसन - 1 कप (100 ग्राम)
  • दही- 1 कप (200 ग्राम)
  • हरा धनिया - 2-3 टेबल स्पून (बारीक कटा हुआ)
  • तेल- 2-3 टेबल स्पून
  • हरी मिर्च - 2 बारीक काटी हुई
  • करी पत्ता - 8-10
  • हल्दी पाउडर - 1/4 छोटी चम्मच से आधी
  • हींग - 1 पिंच
  • राई - 1/2 छोटी चम्मच
  • तिल - 1 छोटी चम्मच
  • नमक - 3/4 छोटी चम्मच या स्वादानुसार

विधि - How to Make Khandvi, Gujarati Street Food in a Microwave

मिक्सर जार में दही, बेसन और 2 कप पानी डालकर एकदम चिकना घोल तैयार कर लीजिए(घोल को प्याले में फैट कर भी तैयार कर सकते हैं). घोल को माइक्रोवेव सेफ प्याले में डालिये, नमक, हल्दी, हींग और 1 टेबल स्पून तेल डाल कर मिक्स कीजिए.
प्याले को माइक्रोवेव में रख कर 2 मिनिट के लिए माइक्रोवेव कर लीजिए. प्याला बाहर निकालें और अच्छे से चला दीजिए. प्याले को फिर से माइक्रोवेव में रखिये, और 2 मिनट के लिये माइक्रोवेव कीजिये. बाहर निकालें और अच्छी तरह से चलाएं. फिर से 2 मिनिट माइक्रोवेव कर लीजिए फिर से बाहर निकालें और अच्छे से चलाएं.
फिर से 1 मिनिट के लिए माइक्रोवेव कर लीजिए (घोल को 7 मिनट माइक्रोवेव किया है) प्याले को बाहर निकालें और घोल को अच्छे से चलाएं. खांडवी बनाने के लिए घोल तैयार है.

घोल फैलाने के लिए थाली या ट्रे ले लीजिये, थाली में तेल लगाने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, खांडवी के घोल को थाली या ट्रे में पतला पतला फैला दीजिये, घोल को पलटे की सहायता से एकदम पतला फैला दीजिये.
10-15 मिनिट में यह मिश्रण ठंडा हो कर जम जाता है, इस जमी हुई परत को चाकू की सहायता से 6 इंच लम्बी 2 इंच चौड़ी पट्टियाँ में काट लीजिये और इन पट्टियों का रोल बना लीजिये, सारे रोल को थाली में लगा दीजिये.
अब छोटी कढ़ाई में तेल डाल कर गरम कीजिये, हरी मिर्च को लम्बाई में काट लीजिए. गरम तेल में राई डाल दीजिये, राई भूनने पर इसमें तिल, करी पत्ता और हरी मिर्च डालिये और हल्का सा भून लीजिये. इस मसाले मिले तेल को चम्मच की सहायता से खांडवी के ऊपर डाल दीजिये. हरे धनिये और नारियल से सजाइये. 
माइक्रोवेव में बनी बहुत ही अच्छी खान्डवी तैयार है, खान्डवी को अपनी मनपसन्द चटनी के साथ खाइये और परोसिये.
  • बेसन के घोल को बिलकुल चिकना होने तक घोले, गुठलियां बिलकुल नहीं रहनी चाहिये.
3-4 सदस्यों के लिये
समय - 50 मिनट